The Trash Magic Network consists not of machines but of people. Operators operate servers. They get servers from hackers and media from the Community and distribute that media back to the rest of the Community. Media can include trash of all kinds, including cardboard trash to write on and laptop trash to install Servers on.



complete each challenge and get a badge on the home github

publish a physical trash magic media element you create to an existing server via the existing operator.

Build a personal home page with TM on an existing server

how to put together a team, connect with your local hacker, local makerspaces, local media people, local

learn how to use a server to distribute media over a local wifi.

connect your home server to the open internet and link from an existing domain

set up your own domain pointed to your home server

build a trash magic marketplace around a physical space

build your own zine distro with community contributions using physical media

build an extension to a little free library with a trash magic server

build an immersive game using TM which integrates local businesses and is sponsored by them, includes missions in them. Missions of trash magic.

Learn basic HTML: a, p, h1

learn basic JavaScript: how to use the TM js library

learn basic CSS, how to use and change the TM style

create your own fork on a TM server, delete it, replicate it, understand forks

create a for profit market with physical/digital duality

learn how to use QR codes

PHP for TM, replication